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3 Ways to Reduce Electric Bills to Save Money for Holiday Shopping

Get the HVAC System on Your Side for the Holidays

It's no secret that the budget is one of the biggest stressors of the holidays. The holidays have all of the regular expenditures that homeowners expect every month, but they also have the added expenses of holiday parties and buying holiday gifts. As if on cue, to add more difficulty to budgeting, it is also the season when heating bills can peak for the whole year. But, most people need to learn that one of their biggest expenses can be a source of their biggest savings. 

As winter cools off, heating bills rise, putting the crunch on already cramped budgets. Luckily, one can use a few simple strategies to reduce bills drastically to free up plenty of money for more fun things to do during the holidays. Here are the best tips from local experts to help homeowners start saving money now. 

Install a Smart Thermostat or Programmable Thermostatthermostat

The key to reducing energy bills and saving on electric bills is to reduce the time heating equipment stays on during the day. How can this be accomplished without sacrificing comfort? Easily with one easy tweak!

Installing a programmable thermostat is a great way to start. One can program programmable thermostats to allow the home to cool off while no one is home and warm up before everyone returns at the end of the day. These affordable devices will pay for themselves within a year and drastically lower bills during the cold of winter and the heat of the summer. 

For added convenience, Wi-Fi-enabled thermostats and smart thermostats can accomplish the same without the owner's input. One can control these devices remotely from an app, and they also learn the movement patterns of the family and adjust temperatures accordingly to maximize savings and comfort. 


Change the Air Filter as Necessary

Air filters should be changed every three months to maximize the cleanliness of the air in a home as well as the reliability of the HVAC. But another added benefit is keeping clean air filters in service during every season. 

When air filters are in service, they collect all of the dust that floats around the home. Slowly, all of that dust restricts airflow through the filter. This causes the blower to have to work harder to distribute air. Additionally, longer cycles will waste more energy. By replacing the air filter, homeowners can clean up the air in their homes and reduce the workload of their climate-control system. 

Remember the Maintenance Checklist

The final recommendation for reducing electric bills is HVAC maintenance. HVAC maintenance isn't just about reducing wear and tear on heating equipment. It also can be a boon for energy bills. By allowing an HVAC technician to change belts, lubricate moving parts, and test the unit's efficiency, homeowners can expect lower energy bills and repair bills. 

Maintenance is recommended twice per year. One visit in the spring and fall is standard, but there is always time to start reaping maintenance benefits, so call as soon as possible to start saving money for the holidays. 

About Chad's AC Direct

Chad's AC Direct is ready to help every home reduce the cost of heating bills and HVAC repairs. They offer handwritten estimates for every job and itemize all their parts and labor. Call today for residential and commercial AC service in Montgomery, AL.